Below is a list of guidance to make your day more enjoyable

Do we need to book a taxi?

We suggest that taxis are pre-booked no matter how short or long your distance is. Here are a list of local taxi firms:

What time does the bar open?

Bar is open an hour and a half before the wedding ceremony however drinks are not allowed into the ceremony room. We will give you a 15 minute warning before the ceremony is due to begin.

Can I smoke at Little Green wedding barn?

Smoking is permitted on the terrace or anywhere outside.

Can I leave my car in the car park?

Cars can be left in the car park, but will be left so at your own risk and the gates are open from 9am the day after the wedding until the sun goes down that day.

Can I use a debit. card or is it cash only for drinks?

We accept both cash and card payment.

What time does the venue close?

Last orders are at 11.45 and the venue closes at midnight so suggest latest taxis are around this time